Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Community Service

For my community service, I taught Religious Education to kindergarteners at my local church in Rochelle Park. I enjoy teaching the young children. They are so much fun, but they sometimes do not want to listen. Sometimes it is hard to have them be quiet and lower their voices because they think that they are stilll outside. They are good and listen very well to me. Every week, we do one lesson, an activity, and then play a game or sing a song. They recently just sang a song to the director of Religious Education. The director enjoyed it very much and was proud of my class. Some of the kids in my class want special attention. Since I have an aid to help out in my class, the aid and I try to give them all attention. It is not fair if one child gets more attention than another does, so we are fair in treating our kids. In addition, no one has a favorite student. I help the kids do their activities and make sure that they are on the right page of the lesson. Sometimes the kids do not want to do the activity so I tell them that if they do not do it they will have to stay after class or they do not get a sticker. This helps motivates them in doing the activity when they do not feel like doing it. At the end of each class, each student gets a sticker for the good job that they did in class. This makes them feel good because they feel that they were good and has a positive attitude for the kids.

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